This is so interesting. I hear what sounds like a washing machine behind me when in bathroom. In bedroom there is a large amount of electrical equipment outside my window which was closed with blinds when I rented it. There is square cut into the blinds, roughly 4” on the inside. I’ve had the blinds replaced and now the put in wood blinds instead of aluminum & they get snapped off from inside. Of course I know they can get in my apt. & it gives them a straight shot at my head while I sleep. Of course they can target me without that but some stuff is just intimidation and some is bc they have low level street perps who don’t have the more advanced weapons. Can it be my neighbors some ask? Of course, but it’s not only the neighbors. They target in various ways.

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Yes, the machinery noise produces sound energy which provides the electromagnetic power to drive smart dust into your home. Lawnmowers in summer, power drills, hammering, football kicking - all so innocent. Many of their sensors are probably energy harvesters, which harness ambient electricity and sound energy.

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I know this situation only took well, the noise you hear is some electrical device producing EMFs, I'm sure. It's just awful, yes they come in, I d like to catch them!

Your right they use different technology either facilitated by neighbours, drones or antenna.

As I waited at a bus stop I'm fairly certain I caught a drone targeting me, I use an app on phone which has some reliability.

Perps use their phones too!

What can you do? Good post!

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So true. My No 62 perps have drones. I'd like to catch on - bring it down. Perhaps they can be zapped with something. I believe they have photographic/video capabilities and can emit frequencies. They may even be able to discharge smart dust. They're easy to identify as drones because when there's interference, they can't fly in that area, and their 'tweeting' goes all digital and 'lossy'.

When I lived with my ex, the neighbour's drones useed to take off just behind the adjoining fence. I made some ferrite sachets from rust (ferrous oxide) and plaster of Paris. and put them near to where the drones took off. It was hilarious to watch them hovering near the ground, unable to lift. I believe that rust, which stops boilers from working, stops the conversion of energy to heat. Perhaps a techie could explain how that works!

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To catch them in the act, one day I will! You are very switched on, good for you!

It's interesting but when Amy Holem analysed a sample of audio from a TI, she managed to extract so much information, "chat room banter with military personal", it was described as being akin to a "well oiled machine"..just from a recording of near silence! LookoutforCharlie videos offer much information on smart dust etc!

Sorry bit of topic but thought I'd mention!






Just remembered that accoustic foam can help!

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You are a mine of information! Wouldn't it be great if Amy produced a weekly podcast?!

Thanks for those links. It's not off-topic at all because one thought leads one in many directions. I was just about to go and research infrasound.

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Thankfully they are useful to you! How are things today?

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Brutal gassing. Maybe they want to finish me off now. How are you faring today?

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Jun 26Liked by TreeTomato

Proof of cloaking technology? 200 lb gate closes by itself while I'm away from home. Start about 4:30 and don't watch the whole thing. The gate is in the background to the right side of the white truck. It's 13' tall and you can't see anybody closing it. Cloaking technology worn by a human who closed the gate? They use this technology all the time:


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Weird! Can yu see the same thing with the naked eye?

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Jun 26Liked by TreeTomato

One of many videos proving an EMF bombardment attack. They're easy to video record if you have a good EMF meter, establish the background EMF level in the space where the readings are taken, and if you use a camera without any EMF emissions, which means you cannot use a smart phone. I use a Nikon camera with no EMF. From 50,000 mw/sm or so down to almost nothing, which proves they know when I'm not in my bed sleeping and/or when I'm taking and recording EMF readings.

The evidence proving EMF terrorism is so easy to capture.


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Yes. It's a must. Thanks for the link.

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Jun 26Liked by TreeTomato

They use things like this too. I call it a partially-cloaked drone:


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Jun 26Liked by TreeTomato

I work in a cargo trailer that was built with solar panels, an inverter and a very big battery. The inverter and battery are gone now.. It has no windows at all. I have a bed in it and sleep in the trailer regularly. I get the most sophisticated micro vibration every time I fall asleep, so windows have nothing to do with the vibration I've experienced for more than 3+ years. The best answer I have to explain the micro vibration is that intersecting EMF beams from the 3 cell towers within 5 miles of me cause it. That, or there's a portable device that can be carried around by a stalker to do it. But my #1 explanation is the stalkers install equipment around the trailer that is cloaked and can't be seen, and believe it or not, probably can't be felt with my hand if I somehow found its location. That would be some kind of physics.

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It makes sense that multiple transmissions will cause a 'wobble'. Each will be hitting the target equipment at a slightly different time. The perps here also set up loop fields so that the time it takes for a frequency to reach the end of the loop or back to the start, the phase is different, which would cause a wobble. Fiona suggested that it could be infrasound making the vibration.

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Taken from a site;



Infrasound has very long wavelengths, a planar wave structure and is outside the range of normal hearing for moderate sound pressure levels. The attenuation of infrasound is complex; it initially increases with distance from the source (becoming quieter), but it can decrease over still further distances so that it then gets louder. When it interacts with buildings, it can produce secondary structural vibrations that may be perceptible to the occupants. Infrasound from wind turbines is particularly annoying because the sound signature contains short, frequent episodes and it persists over extended periods, compared with other short-duration sources (such as trains). Most people can ‘tune out’ repeated sounds but in some people the central nervous system becomes sensitized and they suffer the symptoms of chronic noise stress such as anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction and disrupted sleep. Bracing the diaphragm structures in dwellings may offer remediation.

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Nasty stuff. Maybe infrasound can be deflected or redirected. So I wonder if windmills are there to do just what you describe, rather than to generate power, the latter of which they are not very good at.

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Such a good topic for discussion, there is no doubt about it that water, gas pipes, are being used. I feel horrendous vibrations when standing in a bathroom which is above a utility area containing a boiler, electrical breaker box, the smart meter is around area too. I am still thinking about the mechanics if this.

Really good research!

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PS: Smart dust could eassily enter the house via vents in walls and via the conduits through which water and gas pipes are inserted, as they are unlikely to be flush with the concrete and brick. So radiator pipes would have connected conduits running all over the house, making it east for perps to create magnetic fields anywhere, including vertical fields. Cavity and stud walls would make that even easier.

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Thanks Fiona. My bathroom is so heavily targeted that I get in and out of there as quickly as possible, sometimes making do with a quick wash, when I would rather have a soak.

When I lived in more densely populated areas, over a period of two years, a significant agent of delivery was security lighting. Some of them are IR, some PIR, some microwave. Because they were designed to switch on when there is movement, the things are constantly pinging. Do you have just one smart meter? Here, I have one for gas and another for electricity. No doubt, my neighbours have them too.

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Yes your right, there are 2! At different sides of house, has now made me think!

It is rotten not being able to bathe properly, no bath in years, showers and the vibrations and what feels like ankle shackling is awful! I can barely standup! There is so much tech used I found another article on tech used in cars. I'll see if I can locate it! BUT its any device which can deliver a frequency. PS. Cleaning bathroom today and the torture was awful! Sigh!

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