Mar 18Liked by TreeTomato

Hi there,

I was having the same shit happen to me in the 2nd yr of targeting. What yr ar you in? I watched a video on Targeted Justice with a psychiatrist and he actually said that they would make you believe your being gassed by creating the exact same symptoms as a gassing. It's to make you look crazy if you report it to police or fire department. They did it to my cat too. I was heartbroken. The symptoms are swollen hands and feet, disarray, water burning eyes, vomiting and a few more. Do not call the olive or fire department cuz that's one strike against you in the mental health Dept. One step closer to being held as a crazy person. It's not gas. It's them hacking your central nervous system. Hope that helps

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That may well be the case, Christy, thanks. However, Dr Mihalcea and others have spoken of the aerosolisation of the jb contents. Also, I see residues. T I suspect they're driving in nanotech. I'm just trying to find a lab which can test it for me. I've been targeted 10+ years. I wouldn't report it. What I am doing is collecting evidence so that I can sue the gangstalkers.

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Please see BeingMobbed.com!! Brilliant site, discusses use of waterways, infrasound etc.

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Thanks Fiona. Unfortunately, I'm getting "this site cannot be reached".

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Sorry, here it is


Very well written from someone fairly technical,. I hope this helps, hope you're ok?

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Thanks Fiona, It certainly looks good!

My neighbour b urned the hell out o me in bed, so I had to get up and have had no sleep. How are you?

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I feel for you so much, as I type my reply to you,, my head feels like its in a vice! It's awful. I have some ideas and will get you a link to a chap who kindly posts on protection, he is brilliant. Bear with me!


User Tomahawk on Quora has all the advice you could need on shielding he is a gem! From grounding sheets to meters


See example of grounding sheet

User Tomahawk is on Quora.



For TIs

Another shielding tip is buying mesh fabric..metal mesh, just as you have in a microwave door.. buy a metal kitchen sieve..see what it's comprised of, note the mesh! For instant relief please hold up to head, circulate around the head until you get some relief.

The mainly target the head,by blocking the various points you can stop the torture using pathways from brain to target your nervous system!

Let me know if you can't reach information! Stay safe!

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nks Fiona. I will take a look. The mesh sieve sounds like a very good idea. I'm so sorry about your head. Do you find that your hair mats up afer heavy targeting to the head? Mine does.

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Oh yes, and much hair loss, it's like fine mess, I look awful. But physically I'm a wreck. Appearences go by the way side when you are suffering.! How about you? How are you feeling?

I just feel for you so much. Did you see the grounding sheet that Tomahawk hung on his wall? It's a silver coated sheet, fairly thick, you can buy them in camping stores.

Aluminium foil sleeping mat

The Quora site offers much, there are some lovely TIs there who post some real gems of information. (however there are also many perps)!

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hi fiona the site cannot open

thank you.

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This is 100% true, I leave in UK. After researching and observing what was happening around me, I discovered and found some evidence. I photographed the magnetic waves that were directed at my window, the sewer pipes, and the floor of the house. When the gas dries, traces of it remain on the ground, such as the color of the clouds and other things, such as the ultrasound equipment on the door frames, gray dust, and nano magnetic on my bed. Watching the stalkers go into houses where there are real virtual reality game devices by using smart dust and methane gas and shining electromagnetic heat waves on the sewer pipes and my body to extract the methane gas and control the body’s bacteria. Through it they can move like ghosts from one place to another . I have evidence on my YouTube and Tik Tok channels. If there is someone in Britain who can help me bring the evidence to justice. Please email me at this email. T4141g2@gmail.com

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I'm so glad you have found the same, Ali. Could you post your youtube channel link here, please?

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my glad too

this is a link of my youtube account


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Thanks Ali. I'm in the UK, too.

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i’m in London nice to meet you.

now i feel more strong.

i would like to gather with someone been in this situation to against the kind of this criminal. instead to gather with friends or family which already they set me up and poisons my food.

i don’t blame them. please tell me what did you see in my videos and i have more evidence to tell i didn’t posted ?

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I'm in the North. Nice to meet yu, too. I've taken a look at your videos but my eyesight isn't good enough to make out the detail. Sorry about that. I will look at more of them.

It would be good to meet up. Would you like to revert to email? I have your emails addresss and I believe you have mine.

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it’s videos recording just wait few seconds you will see lights pop in where i edit the point. if you still not seeing. i think the youtube done something to my channel. that’s normal they hacked my other emails and my cameras i still have the original videos. and gas measurement doesn’t work is HC4 natural gas can found everywhere inside the food in the ear, from the animals gas, humans gas.

by the way i would love to meet up to discuss the evidence i can meet you next month any where in uk because is ramadan i’m fasting is hard to travel and this time detoxing my body. i don’t have your email. but you can send me any things to my email to reply to send you my contact number. nice to hear from you again. thank you for your time.

also. be safe and be careful what you drink and eat. Eating and drinking plays a big role in their devil technique.

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I thought I would post this link from Quora on the subject of gassing, really helpful to read;



An extract from post

"Electronic Harassment(RF)"

The light streaks are magnetic energy inserted in the air and it is used to control the gas path. They do it mostly under calm no wind conditions. There path of gas flow can easily be interrupted though if you are under constant gas attacks. That is why this drone style crop dusting device is in the last picture because they were having a hard time delivering the gas to my building as you can see the clouds were on the far side of the parking lot. Lol They use gas on me that has a clorine smell. My dogs alert me of it although I got caught up in it this one pretty good and ended up with a concussion didn't have a gas mask on and I was not expecting that mini crop duster to be able to lay down a path of gas like that at high speed so I figured I would show what it can do. In this picture the white cloud on the truck windshield came when the device came down neer to the back almost on the ground went as far as it could next to the building and pulled up and sprayed until it was about to the top of the truck and turned back toward Carter pumping my neighbors."

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Thank you! You are quuite a digger!

A good job the weekend is over. Have things proved for you?

My Chuckie family proved that they were from hell today. If only they had a return ticket!

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Mar 18Liked by TreeTomato

I would look for residue too but could not find anything. The fire dept dis show up 2 or 3 times with their meters and found nothing. I sure hope they aren't gassing you. That's just so horrific. It has not happened for a while now for me but sure it will eventually start again.ake sure you video everything from swollen hands to vomiting etc. I'm suing mine cuz they got me evicted from my first 3 places after it started. Well I got myself evicted by reacting to the harassment so they made me self sabotage. Do you have anything on your neighbors harrassing you. That's what I need proof with so anything will help. Perhaps a letter saying your neighbors harass and shit. I'll do it for you if you need in the future.

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Yes, there is residue. You can also see it billowing out from underneath the floor boards during an attack. It also sharply catches in the throat. Thanks for your tips - much appreciated.

I have plenty on my neighbours. They are hotheads and make stupid mistakes. I've also caught them on video doing something to the drains. I have their noise harassment on audio and harassment by their children on video and audio There is so much more. Also, they are on disability benefits - one being 'disabled' and the other being the 'carer', but there's nothing wrong with them physically, as I've see n them get about just fine. In April last year, they tried to use my debit card, but were stopped by my bank. They then intercepted the call between myself and my bank and the bank clerk noticed that someone was 'monitoring' my call. The only way they could have gotten my bank card details is by hacking my computer, because I've never used that card outside of my home. So there's lots I can get them on and they know it,

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This type of pollutant gas is extracted from humans, animals, food, and vegetables that are grown using chemicals. This same gas is used with their own composition, artificially added. There is no measurement for this gas because the measurement for this gas is not sold in the markets. You will only find a measurement for cooking and heating gas or other gases. You must come with a pollution detector meter, and pollution everywhere means no evidence. They spread it in the sky to photograph the Earth and warm the weather. Slow combustion and difficult to extinguish if ignited. They also use it for other illegal and immoral purposes. The United Kingdom, Britain, has the highest percentage of pollution in the world from this gas, which is HC4 methanegas, which is not harmful, but polluted. As for the neighbors, you cannot prove anything against them because the law protects them. They will provoke you and tell you about their behavior so that you can start an attack, and then they will prove that you are unfit for society because you are short-tempered and a danger to society. It is a devil’s game.

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Mar 27Liked by TreeTomato

The same is happening to me in Albany, New York. Wishing everyone peace from this insanity.

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I wonder if it is happening to more people but that in some areas, the perps are a little more subtle, so people haven't yet noticed.

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Thank you for posting about this problem, I have circulated it ! It is a dreadful situation for you, I am sorry! I am in the UK too, in Wiltshire. How are you?

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Thanks Fiona. The thing is, if they're testing this on me, then it is to be used for rollout to the public. I have noticed thay many patriots have a weird cough problem these days.

I am in Durham. Nice to meet you.

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Hi, just so sorry for you! I am in Wiltshire, things are fairly bad here! How are you managing? Have you approached your neighbours?

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I'm sorry for all of us, Fiona, but thanks - I appreciate your sentimment. Things are really bad here. One of my neighbours I can only describe as darned near demonic family, where the kids regard targeting as a sport and targeting is family entertainment. They are inredibly cruel. The other neighbour is OKish, but they all torture horribly.

The main thing is the gassing, which tends to happen when I successfully manage to prevent myself from being burned by EMF. I am keeping my head above water, but await the outcome of various lawsuits, so that I can sue the living heck out of my neighbours. :)

How about you? What's it like for you? Are you holding up?:

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I am sorry to read this Arlene, just absolutely miserable. When did this all start for you? Have you approached them? Stupid question, but can you rent house out and leave?

Things just go from bad to worse for me, I am struggling! Neighbours, burning and vibrations, the torture is awful. They don't like us broadcasting what's being done, do they?

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