P.s I joke that the best thing about being gang stalked is not having to take sleeping meds any longer ,(as I've lived with lifelong Insomnia ( ,since they gas me or whatever it is they do that makes me literally fall out every single night ,although I'm good at resisting it I'd say80-90% of the time .But it's getting more difficult as time goes on. I wonder what they're doing exactly(,altho Ive learned enough that I have an idea of the specs)? And what can we do to protect ourselves, in a practical manner ? I'm so desperate. I'm trying to aquire a Rife machine and /or Lahkovsky wave resonator .I'd love to go to Brandon Iglesias's clinic but cannot afford the mega expensive (altho,understandably so)price tag .

If it was just me ,I wouldn't care so much .But I have 3 little ones who depend completely on me.....I pray for God to lead us ,His will be done always 🙏And for clarity ,focus, and clear intuition, thinking ,seeing,feeling in all areas and aspects of all our lives ,and for the strength we must somehow find ,to dig down deep and grab onto it with all we've got ,as if our lives depend on it .Because they do .🙏

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I only had to read the first 3 sentences to know in my heart ,soul&mind that we're experiencing the same thing. 4 nights in a row ,I felt like I was dying 😵‍💫😰😭I was on here at 3 am msging people asking them to pray and to tell my story if I just dissappear...I'm SO very sorry you're going through this too ,I wish I had answers and solutions for all of us .But tbh I'm feeling a bit defeated, and nearly burned out .Which sucks bc I just started back to college this semester and I'm a single mom of 3 ,so that can't happen.I know with absolute certainty it's with God's strength, grace ,protection and mercy that we're still here and it's for a purpose ..And that it's not over yet .....

You inspire me to start telling my story .Although I've tried on paper and it's been sabotaged ,and I'm nervous to online bc fear of retribution .I feel the testimony of all victims of these programs should be preserved for proof,foundational relevance,evidence&historical posterity .

These are fucking crimes against humanity and doing nothing and being quiet and not making reports or losing my shit has gotten me nowhere. Bettering my life ,doing "the right things" hasn't stopped it ,it's only gotten worse . Excuse my language and lack of good grammar, but I'm sick as hell and just, sooo tired .- rant over lol ,

Anyway, ty and I'm here for you if you need to decompress or prayers ok ,the same shits happening to me ,so i believe you . .My names Danielle ,but you can call me Dani 💫May Abba Father bless ,keep&protect you ,covering you in His Holy grace and mercy ,Shalom Shalom 🙏❣️

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